Dental treatment costs more. It is the general public perception. But the truth is, “Negligence is costlier, not the dental treatment.” You must have heard the expression, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to dental health, it is especially true. A great example is establishing a dental home for your kid. We recommend this with one goal in mind: to prevent oral health problems even before they occur. And if in case any dental health issue pops up, we immediately plan for a customized dental treatment based on your child’s oral condition. Customized dental treatment helps your child to get rid of the disease and prevent the reoccurrence.
Read More…Dental Treatment clinic for international clients In Pune.
There could be multiple reasons for delaying dental treatment.
A considerable percentage of the population does not take their child for dental treatment, assuming the milk teeth are unimportant as the child will lose it anyway. Although it’s commonly thought of as a good way to save money and inconvenience, it is not. We have seen conditions where the child had to suffer a lot due to this assumption.
The other prominent reason for the delay in dental treatment is fear of inconvenience or pain your child may feel on the dental chair. Vanilla Smiles is No Tear Painless Pediatric Dentistry in Pune. Along with the high quality of dental treatment, we create a wonderful experience for your child that they will cherish into adulthood.
Delay in Dental Treatment and Negligence resulted in the loss of multiple teeth for a child.
After the recent lockdown period, a child with a complaint of dental caries in multiple teeth visited our clinic for treatment. While examining it closely, we realized that caries had propagated to the various teeth with pus discharge in a few of them. Below is the image before the dental treatment. Propagation of dental caries in multiple teeth with pus discharge due to delay in dental treatment.

Propagation of dental caries in multiple teeth with pus discharge due to delay in dental treatment.

Dental plaque can be seen clearly.

Filing and stainless steel crown

SDF Application
The condition of teeth was pathetic, and we have to conduct the dental treatment in multiple sitting. After four visits and dental treatment, we have completed the rehabilitation of all the teeth, resulting in getting the smile back on the kid’s face. Below are the images after the dental treatment.
Multiple teeth rehabilitation


While talking to parents, we realized that the delay in dental treatment is due to fear of covid19 and Negligence, assuming milk teeth are unimportant.
Avoid delays in dental treatment by establishing a dental home and preserve your child’s smile.
Heading Text Here Establishing a dental home for your child at Vanilla Smiles can save a lot of trouble and money too. We do dental caries risk assessment, regular follow-up check-ups, and preventive treatment to avoid such conditions. In case of the onset of any oral problem, we can diagnose them early and do the required dental treatment to curb the disease and avoid any reoccurrence.
While establishing the dental home, you also need to consider the standard of dental treatment and care your child can get at the Dental home.
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Address: Soni Capital, 2nd Floor, Near Shreyas Hotel, 1237, Apte Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India