Quality Standard In Dental care:
Please don’t ask us Why dental treatment due to dental neglect are expensive?
But please ask us about
Standard of Care we provide,
Please ask us about the materials that go in your child’s mouth.
Please ask us about how we make even a root canal treatment for your child a playful experience.
In short…
“Our charges indicate the high quality of care, expertise, materials we use and overall experience…since we don’t compromise on any of the above, compromising on charges would be unjust….Let our work speak for us!
Child 4 yr old.
An FR3 kid once upon a time presented to us as Fr2 due to past dental experience.
A squirming child as the parents reported had glass ionomers over active lesions.
An OPG recorded in February, parents kept postponing since its difficult to convince an unwilling child.
The father reported to our centre 17-7-19 seeking an alternative to General Anesthesia as well as to do a ground check, We finally got a chance to meet the lil one 20-7-19.
First visit was short and sweet confined to oral prophylaxis SDF (Advantage Arrest) and Fluoride Varnish under Laughing Gas. Baselines were established and then there was no turning back.
Does dental treatment cost more or Negligence ?…. Read More….
SDF + Home hygiene Measures
Pulpectomy Single Visit followed by Nu Smile Zr crown
Vital Zirconia
Biodentine IPT followed by SSC
Composite Restoration
SMART restoration
IPT and SS Crown
Biodentine pulpotomy followed by Equia Forte followed by SSCrown
All under NOIS Laughing Gas!
The child is FR4 now, Mission Accomplished!
P.S Dental care should not be viewed as buying a commodity
It should be a part of a relationship based on trust and respect!
Please consider this as an investment for your child’s overall wellbeing until He/She is 12-14 yrs of age since oral health is considered as a window to your overall health!
For more information kindly visit our website: https://www.vanillasmiles.dental/
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Call Now: +919860633281
Address: Soni Capital, 2nd Floor, Near Shreyas Hotel, 1237, Apte Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India