If you think your child is too young to go to a dentist and make a visit, you are wrong : your kid’s teeth are at risk long before he/she tastes her 1st piece of candy. INTRODUCTION: Parents often assume...
Nearly half a million Americans seek dental healthcare outside the US each year. The most common reason given is the high cost of dental care. Those who seek care abroad, report an estimated savings of over 70% and receive high...
The mouth is the 1st “instrument” small children use to explore and connect with the surrounding world. In the so called “oral stage”, the baby’s oral needs are satisfied by breastfeeding and non nutritive sucking. These self soothing behaviours, albeit...
MESIODENSE WHAT IS A MESIODENSE (EXTRA TOOTH) ? We have 2 sets of teeth during our lifetime. There are primary (baby) teeth and adult teeth. People typically have 20 primary and 32 adult teeth. Its also possible to have an...
Abstract Anterior cross bite is relatively a common presentation in the primary and mixed dentition stage. It is a malocclusion that takes place for various reasons , leads to major problems and may be fixed using various methods. If left...
Trauma Traumatic dental injuries occur with great frequency in today’s children. Reports show that 25% of school children experience dental trauma. One of the most common dental injuries in baby teeth are luxation injuries, when teeth are displaced. Another common...
If you are like many people who want straight teeth, you are considering Invisalign but probably have questions about these invisible braces. Fortunately, more than 6 million people have used Invisalign (clear aligners), so many of the most frequently asked...
CLASS II carious lesions (cavities between 2 teeth) occur on proximal surfaces of your child’s back teeth. They may occur in combination with occlusal caries (class I) (caries on top portion of tooth) or they may occur alone. Mostly these...
A dental crown is a customized tooth-like structure that covers the teeth which are broken, cracked, or weak in structure to give additional strength. They are customized to match the shape, and size of the affected tooth. They can be...
Due to many changes in lifestyle , be it food eating habits , soft food items frequently eaten these days, kids preferring fast food items , poor maintainance of oral hygiene etc leads to a lot of carious teeth in...